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December 1, 2021

Impronta Digitale - Podcast IDMO, the Italian Digital Media Observatory

The first podcast on disinformation by the Italian Digital Media Observatory - with Costanza Sciubba Caniglia

Image by Juliana Malta

October 21 2020

La Stampa - “La vendetta personale ora diventa arma di massa”

Costanza Sciubba Caniglia was interviewed by the Italian journalist Gianni Riotta on the issue of porn deepfakes on Telegram and its impact on thousands of women.

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October 2 2020

Costanza Sciubba Caniglia and Irene Pasquetto participated to the Workshop - Punto di Corda at LUISS University.

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November 11, 2020

Africa Digital Skills Conference - Training session: Understanding Misinformation on Social Media: How to spot it, What to do

Costanza Sciubba Caniglia delivered a training on how to spot and counter misinformation on social media during the annual Africa Digital Skills Conference.

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October 10 2020

Radio Rai - Eta Beta

Irene Pasquetto was interviewed during the Radio RAI show Eta Beta, where she discussed disinformation during the US Elections and political communications on social media.

Occhiali di fronte a siti di news

October 26, 2020

RSI, Radiotelevisione svizzera - “Elezioni USA, caccia al tweet”

Costanza Sciubba Caniglia talks about the 2020 US Elections and social media's role on the RSI, the Swiss Italian public radio channel.


October 10 2020

Irene Pasquetto participated in the panel "Election Days: Digital News Matter" at the Internet Festival 2020.


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